Recent Articles
Is it Okay Being Mediocre?

I’ve never excelled at anything in life. I’m not exaggerating when I say that. And I’m not saying that as a “woe is me” statement to sucker empathy out of anyone. It’s just a matter of fact. As a child, I was labeled as “having potential,” which just meant that some adult felt that I […]
7 Reasons You Hate the Word “Retirement”

What happens when you hear the word “retirement”? Are you like a kid who covers their ears– “la-la-la-la-I-can’t-heeeaarrr-yooouuuu” hoping to drown out the conversation? Well, I’m not going to slam you for shutting down when you hear the word “retirement,” because I do it, too. But we can’t run anymore, my friends. In fact, I’ve […]
2 Months Later…How Did the Cheap Wireless Plan Work Out?

A couple months ago I had the opportunity to test out a T-Mobile My Touch 4G phone, along with a $40 per month, unlimited, no contract Walmart Family Mobile plan to see how the affordable service stacked up in terms of keeping me connected to my family for one low price per month. I was excited […]
Walgreens: Good Health Isn’t Expensive

Okay, wait–that’s not totally true. Have you seen the price of organic broccoli lately?! Let me re-phrase that: good health doesn’t have to be expensive. At least, preventative care doesn’t have to be. So it always amazes me when I think about how unhealthy of a society we are. And I think part of the […]
How to Save Money: The Magic of 5

So now that my credit card debt has skyrocketed because of blogging conferences, I’m looking for some ways to free up some extra cash to pay them down. My previous 20 Ways to Make More Money and Cut Expenses is a good place to start. But the other day I heard THE most fantastic tip […]
Time to Consider Another Cheap Wireless Plan?

You knew this post was coming, right? After that lengthy post that I did about how to get rid of cable to save money….. It only makes sense that we now evaluate cheap wireless plans and why you may want to consider switching cell phone plans to save money and t0 stay more connected to […]
Make a Good First Impression With a Healthy Smile

I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions are mine, and always will be! One the most important keys to success in life is making a good first impression. It’s what people are going to remember–those […]
Save Money: How to Get Rid of Cable!

(UPDATE): Click here to read “We Got Rid of Cable. Now What??” about what it’s like being without cable after 2 years. Not sure how to get rid of cable? Well, getting rid of cable is like trying to break up with a bad boyfriend: You really don’t want him anymore, and you swear you’re going to dump […]
Goal Setting: Baby Steps DO Count!

Last week I got into a heated debate with my good friend….to the point where she was calling me “sweetheart” (and believe me, she didn’t mean “sweetheart” as a term of endearment!) We were arguing about the best way to weight loss and the definition of a “diet.” We both had started Weight Watchers about […]
Take Back Your Morning With Seattle’s Best Coffee

I think women would be happier if we gave ourselves permission to be more selfish. We take care of others and make sure that their needs and happiness are taken care of, but put our own needs and happiness on the back burner because there just isn’t enough time in the day to “get it […]
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